The Devil And His Wicked Ways es el álbum debut de los Doom / Death Metal británicos Roots of the Old Oak. El Lp incluye ocho oscuros y atmosféricos temas, hipnóticos y disonantes riffs con un regusto melancólico y oscuro, patrones de batería cargados de fatalidad, bajo lento y voces que van desde la interpretación narrativa siniestra hasta los guturales, con textos inspirados en la tradición pagana. Disco muy recomendado para los entusiastas de los sonidos de bandas como My Dying Bride, Paradise Lost o Anathema.
Reseñas / Reviews
“Voor mij is dit debuutalbum van deze nieuwe band een absolute verrassing. Roots Of The Old Oak heeft heel nadrukkelijk gekeken hoe traditionele deathdoom in een interessante jas gehuld kan worden, zonder daarbij afbreuk te doen aan de specifieke elementen die UK pagan deathdoom van oudsher kent. Zeer geslaagd!” Zware Metalen 9/10
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“We’re in deepest, darkest death/doom territory here folks, with a fairly hefty emphasis on the slower, more oppressive sounds backed up by guitar and bass sounds so gnarly that they make early Entombed sound like fifties surf rock.” Ave Noctum 9/10
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“They create great atmospheres, and the use of some keyboards helps in this purpose, like in “Cheating the Hangman”. This is an enchanting song, I enjoy the riffs, the keys in the background, the vocal aggression at some points… This track becomes like a mantra due to the repetition of the same “phrase” again and again.” Blessed Altar Zine 9/10
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“Undistilled Death Doom straight from the nineties” Grimm Gent 7,8/10
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“The Devil and His Wicked Ways moves from track to track, slithering with a heavy heartbeat and constricting a cacophony of chaos in its path. The elements of the album are all well-constructed and provide the soundscape to and album and subject matter that’s as rich in its regaling process as its slow and heavy delivery.” The Razors Edge
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“Eight tracks that rope you in with a supremely calculated sense of intensity that is executed brilliantly with the right kind of pacing, coarse vocals that don’t go too hard, riffage that’s simple but incredibly good at its craft, and awesome intoxication that works its way into your mind as soon as you enter the record, “The Devil and His Wicked Ways” impresses and intrigues at damn near every turn.” Head-Banger Reviews
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