Dirges for the Void es el primer álbum de los Black Metal norteamericanos Uthullun. El Lp incluye siete temas abiertamente intensos, melódicos y creativos, con estructuras variadas y complejos arreglos, junto a voces fantasmales y ásperas, opulenta sección rítmica y riffs sorprendentemente pegadizos, logran crear un siniestro Black Metal de atmósfera melancólica y oscura.
Reseñas / Reviews
“I could highlight the individual playing and interplay on pretty much any track of the album. Whether the band is tearing away with raging furry, or taking a more brooding and contemplative tone the musicianship is tremendous and you can always focus your ear on interesting bass lines or drum pattern, while the guitars create this hypnotic, bad-dream dissonance and the howling vocals cement the sense of worry and bleakness.” Blessed Altar 9/10
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“Uthullun do not traffic in straight-forward or simplistic compositions, nor do they seek to provide calm or assurance. To the contrary, the elaborate and puzzling intricacy of the songs, and the persistence of dissonance and discord, create disturbing experiences. They repeatedly throw the listener off-balance, but for a number of reasons the journey isn’t repellant, but instead unexpectedly seductive.” No Clean Singing
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“The music is presented very smartly and professionally – even the rasping vocals, swathed in reverb, can be very clear – and the level of musicianship and the attention to detail are very good and consistent throughout the recording. At the same time, the performances are very disciplined and restrained even during instrumental jams and lead guitar breaks, and even those moments where the music becomes dramatic never become self-indulgent theatrics.” The Sound Projector
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“I brani sono complessi e pieni di variazioni, immersi in un’atmosfera caotica e ferale, ma soprattutto, appunto, a farla da padrona è la dissonanza pressoché costante. Le chitarre rincorrono tempi di batteria in continuo divenire, e capita addirittura che il basso diventi elemento centrale di quando in quando, con assoli e peripezie tecniche sparse” Aristocrazia
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“one faces a maelstrom of sublimely intricate patterns, dissonant shapes, and razor-sharp riffs played with supreme precision and multi-layered tenacity without ever losing an organic feel and depth that at times gets lost in other more dexterous and conceptually ambitious music.” Metal Devastation
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