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Chasm es el tercer álbum de los Black / Death Metal neoyorquinos Mutilation Rites. El Lp incluye seis crudos temas, donde mezclan el sonido de la vieja escuela europea, junto  al estallido de las bandas del otro lado del atlántico. Composiciones hostiles y disonantes con voz cavernosa y torturada, técnicos riffs, demoledores blast beats, se alían con una sucia producción y complejos arreglos.


Reseñas / Reviews

Excellent album, well executed and nothing to sleep on for a damn second. So, get on this one immediately. New York Black Metal supremacy at it’s finest!”     Thy King Dom Scvm

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“Mutilation  Rites  are  a  very  great  sounding  raw  black  metal  band  with  elements  of  punk,  death  and  dark  doom  metal  and  if  you  are  looking  for  something  different,  you  should  check  out  this  album.”     Occult Black Metal  8/10

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“If you’re already spinning in your shorts preparing for an Acephalix sort of death/crust jam, roll up your sleeves halfway and keep that early Bolt Thrower verve in mind but toss in the maniacal black metal of Prosanctus Inferi and some ‘Butchered at Birth’ riffs for good measure. It all sounds so menacing, so analog (or ‘live in studio’) and just oozes with the right stuff. In the process of channeling good taste in death metal whilst retaining their olden chemistry Mutilation Rites have undoubtedly whipped out their best release to date.”     Mystification  4/5

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“the band has centralized death metal as the musical theme of Chasm, their latest LP. Not to say that fans of their earlier black metal sound will be disappointed; the atmosphere still hovers in subzero temperatures, and tremolo picking isn’t completely thrown away. But Chasm plays to a strength Mutilation Rites undeniably had from day one: The ability to craft mean, aggressive songs with intricate riffing.”     Metal Reviews  81/100

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Chasm la band americana ha ulteriormente aggiustato il tiro, sparando sulla folla una mistura putrida, grezza ed altrettanto precisa di black/death davvero notevole.”     Metal Italia  7,5/10

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