Lux es el cuarto álbum de los Sludge / Doom / Stoner norteamericanos In the Company Of Serpents. El Lp transita entre una catarsis sónica, de potentes ritmos, acordes atronadores e intensidad cruda, contrastados con pasajes sobrios e instrumentales, donde no faltan los riff que te hacen mover la cabeza. Cada uno de los ocho temas presenta una alternancia entre fragmentos cautivadores, dispersos y bastante ligeros, y otros que poseen una fuerza bruta visceral, sellando una interpretación multifacética e intensa.
Reseñas / Reviews
“Lux is a riff-driven affair, something In the Company of Serpents make very obvious from the first second of mammoth opener “The Fool’s Journey” to the dark spaghetti western sounds so present on “The Chasm at the Mouth of All” and album closer “Prima Materia.” The combination of influences gives In the Company of Serpents a unique sound; the droning sludge trio have riffs for days, but it’s the thoughtful inclusion of spaghetti western music that elevates Lux to a new level.” Decibel
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“Forvent ikke sludge metal a la Weedeater eller Eyehategod, men nærmere et southern bluesrock-skolet og doomet sludge-band, der lader sig inspirere af Crowbar, Mastodon og en smule Electric Wizard. Pladens dybde, tunghed og fabelagtigt dragende soniske univers vinder frem for hvert lyt, og jeg tøver ikke med at udråbe den til en af årets hidtil bedste.” Heavy Metal Dk 9/10
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“If you haven’t run across an album by In the Company of Serpents, that’s understandable. Since their debut back in 2012, all of their releases have been self-released, staying firmly in the underground. Despite (or maybe thanks to) that staunchly underground approach, they’ve built up a truly solid reputation and a dedicated fanbase.” Metal Blast
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“Il s’agit d’un album intense, vraiment ! Il est de ceux qui ne s’écoutent pas, mais qui se vivent. Le travail sur l’ambiance et les émotions est à féliciter tant les productions sont saisissantes. La présence d’une grande variété musicale et vocale nous assure une expérience inédite, jamais lassante, au contraire ! Je vous invite à vous y intéresser : pour peu que vous soyez amateur de ces genres, vous allez vous régaler” United Rock Nations 5/5
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“ this album is so much more than just taking from other sounds, its completely its own thing, it sounds unlike anything else currently doing the rounds in the record stores, or online.” The Sleeping Shaman
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“Bien servis par une production soignée et efficace, sans chichis, les gars proposent finalement une demi-douzaine de vraies compos efficaces, nerveuses et originales. Un album bien foutu, qui défriche et renouvelle le(s) genre(s) de fort belle manière, avec talent et audace.” Desert Rock. 8/10
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