Ask More Questions es el álbum debut de los Punk / Post-hardcore británicos Dealing with Damage, dieciséis temas donde son apreciables las influencias de las bandas norteamericanas de los 80 y 90 que publicaron sus disco con el sello Dischord, junto a las influencias de las bandas británicas de Hardcore Melódico de finales de los ochenta, con letras comprometidas que desbordan indignación y frustración a partes iguales.
Reseñas / Reviews
“Punk-rockers Dealing With Damage release their debut full-length album, ‘Ask the Questions’. A record brimming with anger and frustration that tackles the issues within the modern political climate.” Qigslutz
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“This particular full-length gathered loads of positive critics, and due to the high demand, Little Rocket Records teamed up with Rad Girlfriend Records and Carabrecol Records to release this magnificent album on vinyl record.” Thoughts Words Action
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“Giving it its first spin, there is clearly a mix between good old fashioned punk with an edge of post-hardcore, but with that edge not overpowering in the mix. “ Uber Rock
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“To say that DWD look to DC (that’s Washington, not the comic books, okay?) is lazy, yet so obvious that it would be criminal not to mention it. But we are talking post “Revolution summer”, not hardcore a la Minor Threat.” Louder Than War
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