Chaos / No One Is Safe Lp de la banda Metal / Sludge rusa Supruga. Este disco recopila los doce temas de las dos grabaciones publicadas por la banda en formato cassette en ediciones limitadas de 40 y 30 copias. Oscuros y apocalípticos Metal /Sludge rugiendo a todo trapo. Un viaje intenso, crudo y pesado con sonido propio. Disco recomendado para entusiastas de Oathbreaker, Amenra, Converge, Neurosis o Cult Of Luna
Reseña / Review
“Хаос / Никто не в безопасности is a masterful offering and hints at a lot of goodness to come. The band has put together something monumental here and it is a delight to get lost in the layers of tracks like ‘Час хищника.’ The band clearly put this together with a greater overarching vision in mind. Their ability to conjure up tormented imagery with stellar execution puts them ahead of the pack. This is a fascinating record and one that demands multiple listens. The deeper you delve into their interlocking pieces the more you fall in love.” Two Guys Metal Rreviews
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