Revenant Of Blasphemies primera grabación de Pazuzu, banda de Old School Death / Doom Metal formada en Costa Rica, publicado en 2017 como demo debut y reeditado en formato Lp en 2020. Metal añejo con olor a muerte, con un sonido pútrido e inmundo y melancólica producción. En lo más profundo underground del Death Metal siempre hay algunas joyas ocultas, que no deberían faltar en tu colección.
Reseñas / Reviews
“Un trabajo para auténticos caza tesoros del género.” Heavy Metal Brigade
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“taking a very rudimentary foundation, add a pinch of grime, and a dash of slower doom, a relentless drive and kind of groove, and mix this with thrashing punk-tinted old school death metal. This is pure caveman music, so in case you are searching for something complex or subtle this might be the wrong place.” Metal Archives 84/100
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“Overall it is nicely done and it showcases the band’s style well. They tend to keep things up with mid-tempo and fast parts, but never reaching blast beat levels. But they also dwell into Doom Metal territory. And I think here is where the band really shines, as they get heavier in terms of overall sound and even a bit more “nostalgic”, so to speak.” Voices From The Darkside
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“The instrumental intro takes you right back to late 80s/early 90s before some real doomy Death Metal kicks, down tuned, like Finnish masters, Cianide or Carcass like bands, or prefer Coffins? The vein is similar, groovy, ugly disgusting and well written.” VM Underground
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“Unlike most bands in this all-ahead style, Pazuzu knows how to vary its different approaches and most importantly, make them work together for a whole experience that like a good story moves from presentation to conflict, ambiguity, evasion, confusion, and finally, synthesis followed by a promenade of what has fused into clarity.” Death Metal Underground
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