Dead Set es el segundo trabajo de larga duración de los Thrashcore / Grindcore australianos King Parrot. El disco contiene diez temas fuertemente inspirados en la escena Grind, Thrash y Hardcore de los años 80 y 90 pero creando un sonido más actual, donde mezclan a la perfección su agresión, intensidad y oscuro sentido del humor. Pura furia y veneno.
Reseñas / Reviews
A completely unhinged masterpiece. Beat Eats
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“King Parrot’s ‘Dead Set’ is fast, intense, fun and in circles it’ll make you run. We recommend this album because… because… um… ugh, fuck this noise! The album’s great, okay, just go get it already, Christ!” Kill Your Stereo
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“Drawing influence primarily from the thrash, grind, hardcore and punk scenes of the 80’s and 90’s, a new sound has been created fusing those styles and attitudes with a fresh approach that encapsulates their aggression, humour and intensity seamlessly” Néctares
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Most of Dead Set’s riffs fall into the thrash category, while the drumming and the overall attack falls closer to crossover than to grind. Throughout, White’s riffs are memorable, metallic, meticulous; it’s the rest of the band, tight though they are, that push this closer to crossing over into hardcore and grind. The drums blast and pound, groove and grind, whilst Young shrieks and growls atop, his primary voice an oddly light, dry-throated high snarl. Last Rites
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Entrevista / Interview
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