Begerith, en ADAM  unen la potencia del Death Metal y la atmósfera sombría del Black Metal, creando temas ceremoniales de magistral y fascinante ejecución, aunando perfectamente la técnica y terror, con el objetivo penetrar al oyente profunda y decisivamente.

Sin duda, son palpables las influencias de bandas como Behemoth y Vader, pero a esto añaden su propuesta sonora, apostando por la melodía sin comprometer la brutalidad y la crudeza de su sonido.


Reseñas /  Reviews

“ADAM, posiblemente el mejor trabajo de blackened death metal del año, y no es por casualidad.”     Diablo Rock

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“In a nutshell, A.D.A.M. is Polish black/death metal in its full glory. From the opening moments of the album, one is reminded of the works of legends like Behemoth or Hate, though Begerith‘s works more closely resembles the former. The riffs unleashed by Alexey and Andrey are reminiscent of those that Nergal dishes out, especially of the aforementioned’s later output post-Demigod.  The orchestral elements that the band includes rather gratuitously throughout the record also adds some rather dramatic elements that are not unlike the material on Behemoth‘s The Satanist or Evangelion, bringing me back to the days of Ov the Fire and the Void.”      Heavy Metal Tribune

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“That’s probably what helps give Begerith a substantial leg up on the rest of the new crop of blackened death metal: there’s a playfulness and unexpected brightness to the music that doesn’t necessarily contradict the occult nature of the music. Instead, it all comes together to create a surprisingly addicting slab of punishing blackened death that feels like the Seven Trumpets signaling the arrival of an up and coming prince of the style.”      New Noise Magazine.

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1 review for Begerith – ADAM

  1. Ignasi


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