La Cacería De Brujas es el cuarto álbum de Lucifera banda Blackened / Thrash Metal colombiana. El Lp incluye ocho poderosos temas que combinan el Thrash Metal teutón y el primitivo Black Metal, buscando el equilibrio ideal entre melodía y agresión. Tres giras internacionales y catorce producciones oficiales a lo largo de diez años han hecho de Lucifera una de las bandas más importantes del sur de Colombia.
Reseñas / Reviews
“Even people who are already sworn fans of Lucifera are going to find that this talented duo (multi-instrumentalist David HellRazor and vocalist Alejandra Blasfemia) have out-done themselves, hitting new heights of songwriting prowess and performance skill. The music melds flashing fretwork, pulse-pounding rhythms, and absolutely incinerating vocals to a changing array of melodies that hit home really fast and get stuck like barbed lances. Some songs are more viciously “blackened”, some more thrash-centric, but all of them burn with infectious energy and a kind of mad, devilish grandeur.” No Clean Singing
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“Lucifera inhabit a spirit and ethos that revels in battle vest heroics and a devilish sense of fun that makes their music a blast no matter what frame of mind you’re currently residing in. Mix these songs into any metal playlist and when it comes on, guaranteed you’re going to thrash.” Nine Circles
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“Because if you’re going to be part of a coven, you better choose one where you can also enjoy first-class metal music, like what Lucifera more than succeeds in providing to our ears always avid for ass-kicking underground Extreme Metal.” The Headbanging Moose 4/5
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“this album is held together with the gluey, eternally blackened corpses of Teutonic witching metal but the drumming should appear equally rooted in Sarcófago‘s earliest coffin texts. Even if you’re not a sucker for the old ways of blackened thrash and speed metal I’d suggest that this isn’t as ‘retro’ as I’ve made it out to be, hence the mention of Rebel Wizard in addition to a very traditional band like Cruel Force. Because it is a thrashing, lead-driven blackened heavy metal record with several memorable tracks I can confidently recommend this latest Lucifera album.” Mystification 4/5
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“thrashy melodic riffs that burn up and down the fret board which, by the way, is brilliantly provided by Hellrazor, blast beats combined with some ferocious and thrashy drumming and mind-bendingly fat tempos and yes they are all well and truly there but I really need to make a special mention of Alejandra Pacheco who, as well as playing bass, belts out the lyrics like a possessed banshee. Oh, my goodness, what range, what anger, what the fuck. She is truly a demon possessed with a voice that would raise the dead who would then blindly follow her to the end of the world and it’s all so so good.” VM Underground
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“This stuff is like the essence of True Metal. Damn, it’s so fine to experience, for it totally pays tribute to the roots of Extreme Metal. All songs are some mixture of traditional, somewhat Teutonic Thrash Metal at the one hand, and primal First Wave-oriented Black Metal at the other. It is highly energetic, searching for an ideal balance in between melody and aggression. The whole rhythm section is meant to be supportive, but all bass lines and rhythm guitars are more than a coincidental part of the game. They do fully support the melodious leads (sometimes twin leads, then again rather soloing). The same goes for the drum parts, which are incredibly harsh yet, at the same time, oh so prolific. And vocal-wise too, that convinced attitude, well, what can I add?” Concrete Web
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