The Parasitic Survival Of The Human Race es el noveno álbum de la banda Black Metal griega Dødsferd, el sonido de los siete temas de este disco es una mezcla de Crust / Black Metal, dejando un poco de lado el Black Metal depresivo y melancólico de sus grabaciones anteriores. Dødsferd son conocidos en la escena por ser una banda muy activa, desde su formación en Atenas en 2001, tienen editados once álbumes, nueve splits, tres Ep y varios recopilatorios.
Reseñas / Reviews
“A mix of sturdy riffing, clearly defined instrumentation and somehow structured vocal timings, make, truly gripping, exciting and sincerely different from anything I have heard before.” Neu Futur Magazine
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“The Parasitic Survival of the Human Race ist auf jeden Fall ein cooles Album, auch wenn ich mir heimlich gewünscht hätte, dass mehr Songs wie „Creator of Disease“ darauf zu finden gewesen wären. Aber hin und wieder tut so eine richtiges Punk-Inferno auch einfach einmal gut. Die Scheibe macht Spaß!” Metal News
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“The fact that this album can be released again in 2020, and stand up so well against many new releases, just shows the lasting power Dodsferd has in the scene.” The Metal Observer
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“Dødsferd have so far gave us one good album after another. Ok there are times when someone will say that an album is not as good as an older one, but it is not possible for everything to be perfect, is it? However, the fact is that they have never released an album that is not above good. Personally, I expect the next one already.” Metal Invader
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