Poisoner Of The New Black Age recopila de forma integra toda la discografía del one-man band salvadoreño Julio Ardón y su banda Demonomancer. El doble Lp incluye veintidós pútridos temas que grabó Julio Ardón entre 2012-2016, antes de fallecer ahogado en el Lago de Güija. Ultra cruel y barbárico War Black / Death Noise no apto para sibaritas del Metal.
Reseñas / Reviews
“This album should have been locked up: it’s raw, it’s angry and at times it sounds bloody awful. But for all that, it’s absolutely fascinating. It is essentailly 22 tracks of absolutely speeding metal ferocity punctuated with roaring, rasping and growling.” Metal Archives 89/100
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“Insofern ist es schon bewundernswert konsequent, was der El Salvadorianer hier abliefert. In schmucker Einigkeit mit den Songtiteln (z.B. ‘Aborted Holy Bastard’, ‘Degenerated Satan Semen’, ‘Christ Anal Insemination Ritual’) wird hier die Antithese zu allem Schönen, Genießbaren oder Weltbejahenden präsentiert. Das mag für einige Augenblicke den Charme des Extremen und des Obszönen innehaben, als Hörerfahrung aus der heimischen Konserve lässt sich «Poisoner Of The New Black Age» aber nicht empfehlen.” Power Metal
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“this is an enjoyable release for those who are into the likes of Beherit and Revenge, but also for suckers for bands like Slaughter, Bestial Warlust, Blasphemy ofcourse and early Impiety. Demonomancer is most certainly not a world shocking release, far from it to be honest, but I have a weak spot for gargantuan insanity like this music.” VM-Underground
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«The uncompromising full-throttle aggression of early KRISIUN, the grotesque deformation of AUTOPSY (their faster parts) and profane attitude of BLASPHEMY seems to be a big influence for J. Arden,” Voices From The Darkside
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